Monday, March 31, 2014

SFGiants Game 1

Random musings from tonight's game:
- Day 1 and I'm already annoyed with our in game reporter that shall remain nameless [insert horse neighing noises].
- Brandon McCarthy is one of my favorite non-Giants. Any player that survives that awful hit to the head AND tweets crotch pictures is a winner in my book.
- My dinner of mahi mahi with cous cous and mashed vegetables was so good...good. Too bad I didn't take a picture to post on Instagram. Just kidding, I don't do that shit! 
- Brandon Belt's pop-up dance in the 1st cracked me up. I'll definitely be watching that gif a few times.
- The Giants have some pretty glorious hair. Angel Pagan, Brandon Crawford, Michael Morse...they make long hair sexy. And I don't even like long hair. Anymore. I did go through that weird phase at UCSC though. Good times.
- Furthermore, from a female's perspective, how lucky are we to have so many handsome ballplayers to root for? Seriously, there are so many attractive men on the team. BONUS! Excuse me, I need a cold shower...
- Hunter Pence's kale fueled throw in the 3rd inning to gun out Mark Trumbo at third made me so happy. I love Pence so much, have I mentioned that yet?
- The back to back errors in the 4th were pretty rough. I suggested that MadBum aim his snotrockets at Belt and Pablo Sandoval when that inning was over. The Giants defense overall in this game was awful. I know it's game 1, but they need to work out those kinks ASAP.
- It was great to see the offense step up late in the game. HR from Belt and Pagan getting some RBIs was nice to see. Even seeing Pence's patience at the plate with the bases loaded to walk in the tying run was a ray of light for this often frustrating offense.
- I was so annoyed when I kept seeing Belt bumbling around on defense. Truth is, I'll forgive that if he can be consistent at the plate. He shouldn't have made those errors, but I think he'll be just fine. I'm more worried about his offense.
- Forgot about Shawn Estes when making My Favorite Giants list earlier. My dad was a little concerned about how much I loved him in high school. He bought me an Estes shirt nonetheless. Awesome dad. Estes was my favorite lefty back then. 
Not gonna lie, I think he's still pretty attractive. Speaking of sexy lefties of yesteryear...
- Noah Lowry <3 That is all. Excuse me, I need another cold shower.
- I LOVED seeing Buster Posey throw out Cliff Pennington in the 7th. The joy of tweeting "Ain't havin' it" when that happens is lost on people that aren't on twitter. Plus, seeing it from 10 different people in a row on my timeline warms my baseball loving heart.
- I will always think "Goldshit" whenever I hear or see Goldschmidt. Mostly because I'm as mature as a 5-year old when it comes to things like that. Also because he's a Giants killer and I will never like him.
- I took a break mid-game to watch the finale of HIMYM. Didn't miss too much of the game because I was following along on the MLB app and the Giants were in the midst of their shit show. Tuned back in an hour later to see them rally back. That episode of How I Met Your Mother though </3 Not at all what I expected and still unsure how I feel about it. I'll probably watch it again tomorrow.
- Posey's 2-run home run with two outs in the 9th off of Addison Reed was a thing of beauty, wasn't it? I changed into one of my Posey shirts midway through the 7th. I like to think that it brought him some good vibes. That's how baseball works, right? 
- Learned my lesson when I lost a shit ton of typed out bullet points that I should save more often. Rookie mistake. DERP. 

I like seeing Randy Winn on the post-game show. I have his bobble head! Glad he's still part of the Giants family. Last but not least, it was fun live tweeting with the best fans in baseball. So clever, so sarcastic, and so wonderful. 161 more games, friends and fans. I'll probably overreact and swear about 1,000,000 more times by the end of the season.

Good night & GO GIANTS!!!


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